Sci-Chants - Task 1

Problem Statement - WEEK 1

Task 1

Design a table lamp for your study table, which will switch on when there is a power failure, so that you don't need to go in search of an emergency lamp. In short, the circuit should switch on the lamp when it is dark inside the room and switch off it when there is ambient light inside the room.

  • Implement your solution for the task using simple electronic components. Note: Do not use microcontrollers or any IC’s. Just use simple electronic components and make it a simple circuit.
  • Simulate the same using any simulation software. Eg : EasyEDA, Falstad, Proteus etc.
  • Send us the simulation (Working of the circuit) video of length not more than 1 minute.
  • Along with the video provide the neat picture of your circuit and also design calculation if any.

All the very best and stay tuned for the next tasks.

Please submit your solutions through the below provided link. Link :