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S1/S2 Textbook
Linear Algebra
Vector Calculus
Engg Physics
Engg Chemistry
Engg Mechanics
Engg Mechanics, K L Kumar
Engg Graphics
Engg Graphics, K.C.John
Basics of civil and mechanical
Basics of electrical and electronics
S3 Textbook
Advanced engg mathematics,Erwin Kreyszig
Solid State Devices
Ben G Streetman Solid state electr.devices 7e
Logic circuit design
Digital Design, MM Mano
Network theory
Circuit theory and networks, Ravish R Singh
Design and engg
S4 Textbook
Analog circuits
Electronic devices and circuit theory, Robert L.Boylestad
Signals and Systems
Signals and Systems 2e, Alan V.Oppenheim
Computer architecture and mc
Computer system architecture 3e, MM Mano
Network theory
Circuit theory and networks, Ravish R Singh
S5 Textbook
Digital signal processing
Digital signal processing 3e, John G. Proakis
Applied EM theory
Elements of electromagnetics 7e,Matthew N.O.Sadiku
Microprocessors and microcontrollers
Microprocessor architecture,pgm. and applications with 8085, 5e,Ramesh S.Gaonkar
Power electronics and instrumentation
Electronic instrumentation and measurement techniques 3e, WD Cooper
Principles of management
Design project
>Digital system design
Optimization techniques
Engg Optimization 4e, Singiresu.S.Rao
Biomedical engg
Soft computing
Principles of soft computing 2e, Dr.S N Sivanandam
S6 Textbook
Digital communication
Digital comm. Systems, Simon Haykin
Antenna and wave propogation
Antenna Theory, Constantine A. Balanis
Embedded System
Object oriented programming
Object oriented programming with C++ 4e,E Balagurusamy
Modelling and simulation of
Simulation of 2e, Michel C. Jeruchim
Real time operating systems
Digital image processing
Digital image processing 3e, Rafael C.Gonzalez
S7 Textbook
Microwave and radar engg
Microwave engg 2e, David M. Pozar
Optical communication
Computer communication
Control systems
Modern control engg 5e, Katsuhiko Ogata
Information theory and coding
Microwave devices and circuits
Speech and audio processing
Pattern recognition
Opto Electronic Devices
S8 Textbook
Nano electronics
Adding soon
Advanced communication systems
Mixed signal circuit designs
Low power vlsi designs
Cyber security
Secure communication
Computer vision
Join the telegram group to access all the above textbook materials and other resources.
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